Panda Dragon’s Azu to Graduate After Hiatus

Panda Dragon’s Azu to Graduate After Hiatus

Panda Dragon has just announced that Azu, who’s been on hiatus, will officially graduate from the group on 22 April 2025. 

His farewell performance will be part of a special “Azu Produce Concert”, happening before the group’s 7th Anniversary Event.

Azu has been taking a break due to health reasons, and after long discussions with the members and staff, he decided to move on. 

However, he will remain with Daredemo Dream and continue his activities at his own pace.

In his statement, Azu apologised to fans for making them wait and thanked them for their endless support. 

He admitted that stepping away was a tough decision but felt it was necessary for his growth.

Panda Dragon’s Budokan concert on 14 March will be Azu’s last major event before his graduation, and he’s expected to join certain performances, depending on his condition.

The remaining members – Taiga, Nagi, Naruki, Batchi, and Youta – all expressed deep sadness but vowed to carry on Azu’s legacy. 

They reassured fans, Venus & Zeus, that they will give their all in the final concerts with Azu and continue pushing forward as Panda Dragon.

Azu’s departure is undoubtedly emotional for both members and fans, but the group promises to make these last months together unforgettable.

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