Zhao Lusi Attends Event, Addresses Recovery

Zhao Lusi Attends Event, Addresses Recovery

Zhao Lusi Shines Despite Health Woes at Offline Event

Zhao Lusi made headlines after attending an offline promotional event for a beverage brand on 25 January 2025, sparking mixed reactions among fans and netizens. 

While some celebrated her apparent recovery, others criticised her management for pushing her to work despite her recent severe health issues. 

Zhao Lusi, known for her resilience, had previously been hospitalised and underwent rehabilitation for a condition that left her nearly immobile.

Appearing radiant in a red outfit, Zhao Lusi arrived in a horse-drawn carriage, greeting fans with optimism. 

Zhao Lusi’s Brave Comeback Inspires Fans

During an exclusive Global Times interview, she reassured the public that her recovery was progressing well. 

She shared her doctors had estimated a 3-4 month recovery, but her determination led her to attend the event within just a month of treatment.

Addressing her fans, Zhao Lusi acknowledged their concerns and joked about being called a "medical miracle," attributing her recovery partly to drinking more water. 

She explained her decision to participate was rooted in her desire to show fans she was improving.

In her message, she emphasised the importance of mental health and urged those struggling to seek support early. 

Despite her struggles, Zhao Lusi inspired fans with her courage, optimism, and message of hope for the new year.

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