Maro Shogouki to Graduate from Nanakorobi Yaoki

Maro Shogouki to Graduate from Nanakorobi Yaoki

Maro Shogouki, a member of the six-member idol group Nanakorobi Yaoki, has announced her graduation from the group. 

Her final performance will take place during her birthday celebration at Banana Hall on 26 February 2025.

Nanakorobi Yaoki, formed on 14 June 2024, made its debut on 12 July 2024 at HEROINES FES in Osaka. 

The group is the first under HEROINES's Osaka branch.

Shogouki expressed gratitude for her six months with the group but stated her decision was made after careful discussions with the members and management. 

Fans were urged to support her until her final performance.

In her statement, Shogouki apologised for the sudden news, adding, "These months with Nanakorobi Yaoki have been a happy and fulfilling journey." 

She assured fans that her graduation live would be a memorable farewell.

Nanakorobi Yaoki currently consists of five active members: Maisen Ekubo, Utage Tenka, Setouchi Lemon, Kumanomi Nimo, and Mizuta Mari. 

The group has seen three members leave since its debut.

Future updates on Shogouki Maro’s post-graduation activities will be shared through her personal accounts. Fans have just over a month to cheer for her as she prepares for her next chapter.

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