[Update] Details on SNH48 4th Original Stage "Magic Mirror"

SNH48 4th original stage setlist theatre full tracklist and some interesting facts.
Details on SNH48 4th Original Stage "Magic Mirror"

SNH48 4th Original stage "Huan Jing / Magic Mirror" Concept Poster + Tracklist : 

Tracklist :
M01. 幻镜(DREAM)
M02. 迷(SECRET)
M03. 继承者(THE KEY)
M04. Mirror(破碎)

M05.Miss D(迷失地)
M06.Let it down(深海之森)
M07.Freedom Light(自由之光)
M08.Scream Out(火柴梗)
M09.HATE 2 LOVE(曼陀罗)

M12.步履不停(Beyond the time)

M15.明日到来之前(We are the best)
M16.Dream is Power(梦)

The Team Song and Unit song of this stage performance were adjusted to the characteristics of Team SII and its members. 

This 16-part song is based on Rock and Roll and incorporates elements such as Latin, Electronic and Gothic. 

The UNIT song features six different worlds in six completely different styles. 

The composition and selection of this show lasts for 7 months. 

Musicians from Italy, Japan, South Korea and the United States were invited to participate, which could be considered one of the most difficult performances of SNH48. 

Members also spend a lot of time joining the vocal team, trying to present the best performances of each song in detail. 

The main line of this new Setlist will continue to organize the concept of all SNH48 performances and at the same time will connect the 6 plot series from the previous stage in a special way. 

Apart from revealing highlights and shadows left behind, it will also open up new spaces for imagination and become an important work that connects the past and the future.

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