Nogizaka46 members to starring musical Sailor Moon

Member idol group Nogizaka46 will star in musical 'Sailor Moon [美 少女 戦 士 セ ー ラ ー ム ー ン]'.

Sailor Moon Nogizaka46.jpg

The musical was created as part of the 25th anniversary of 'Sailor Moon' manga by Takeuchi Naoko. In the musical 'Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon' Nogizaka46 x Sailor Moon "'to be staged this year, the beautiful girl warriors of Sailor Moon will be played by Nogizaka46 members.

In addition to the music of 'Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon' Nogizaka46 x Sailor Moon '', Sailor Moon's 25th anniversary manga project is the 'Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon' performance show "Super Live x Sailor Moon" "where the dancer TAKAHIRO who handles dance idol grop Keyakizaka46 will be responsible as choreographer in this show.

Another project is the musical 'Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon' New Musical x Sailor Moon '' which is planned to be held in 2019.

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