Total first week sales 'Jousetsuna Manazashi' Watanabe Rika Photobook

The first solo photobook of Keyakizaka46 member Watanabe Rika 'Jousetsuna Manazashi [饒舌 な 眼 差 し]' released December 5, 2017 has sold 34,000 copies in a week.

watanabe rika.jpg

With this number, Berika photobook is ranked first for Photobook category and seventh rank for General Book category.

Watanabe photo process photo shoot done in Greece.

This photobook will show photographs of Berika which is a regular model of fashion magazine 'LARME' and exclusive model of majah 'Ray' with a background of Greek cities such as ancient ruins and the beautiful Aegean sea. Abe Chizuru is responsible as a photographer of this Watanabe Rika photobook.

Note: The above figure is the rounding number. The exact number of Watanabe Rika photobook sales will be updated if Oricon has updated its weekbook PB chart.

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